At MILES, we utilize a holistic and collaborative approach to assist clients in charting a course for organizational growth and development. This interactive master planning process involves a combination of our specialized planners, designers, and engineers in conjunction with our client’s leadership, stakeholders, and community representatives. The results are a creative exchange of ideas and data which are analyzed, interpreted, and developed into a comprehensive road map for long-range growth, goals, development, and vision for the organization’s buildings and infrastructure.
With a combined four decades of experience, our team of architectural planners and designers draw on a wealth of experience in the programming and design of academic, corporate, scientific, and healthcare institutions. This provides our team with a comprehensive understanding of a broad range of facility types and programming requirements which enrich the planning process and lends insight into the physical organization, functionality, and development of any type of campus. This broad experience includes new campus planning, supplemental campus planning, and planning for campuses with limited infrastructure.